Oh Joy

  • Type
    Brand Identity + Website Design

After being known for over a decade as a colorful, family-forward influencer with dozens of branded product lines, we knew the key to OhJoy!’s evolving identity would be a thoughtful refinement of every touchpoint. ( No pressure, she’s only the most followed person on Pinterest with over 5 millions loyalist. ) We encouraged her to retire her once eponymous pastel rainbow palette in favor of a bold signature color. Paired with a totally custom logotype we captured her playfulness while anchoring and elevating the brand experience. For her website, we approached functionality and UX as our north star. We meticulously organized 15 years of lifestyle content touching everything from business to fashion, and prioritized large images to infuse the design with color and texture. As Joy continues to bring her enthusiastic artfulness into the world, we were able to enliven the brand she has grown into both personally and professionally.

the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
the Oh Joy image
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