Bar Ama

A sultry cantina with a menu spread so deviceful it’s almost poetic, Bar Ama’s top priority was an equally dauntless menu design. To keep the focus on the innovative fare that’s sure to have you bouncing back and forth between your top choices, we kept the physical menu a no-brainer, single-large-sheet, so one’s gaze is unadulterated by pages.

Typography is the key component, here. In a comprehensible pattern of echelons, the restaurant’s name is in the biggest and boldest text, followed by crisp headlines in a quirky sans serif for each category and night-capped with the clean and easy-to-read in romantic lighting, loosely line-spaced menu items. Because we know you’ll want to savor every word.

This strong yet elevated approach offers a traditionally perceived as tex-mex or “fusion” restaurant a position as a strong date-night contender against other sophisticated DTLA hot spots. The amazing cocktails help, too.

the Bar Ama image
the Bar Ama image
the Bar Ama image
the Bar Ama image
the Bar Ama image
the Bar Ama image
the Bar Ama image
the Bar Ama image
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